What is an HR Strategy and Why is it Important?

An HR Strategy is a system that is developed outlining human resource practices for a specific job or even a collection of positions, specifically aimed at developing and drawing out the best employee performance possible, to meet the organization’s ultimate goals. When developing your organization’s HR Strategy, it is important to remember that these strategies are meant to be designed for a specific position or set of positions. For instance, the way an organization manages their Senior or C-Suite staff will most certainly vary from how they manage their sales staff. Since every team is hired differently, it would stand to reason that they would also be managed accordingly.

Ultimately, the HR strategy has an impact on what employees actually do on the job and how well the business strategy is executed. Because what employees do depends on what they have and feel, HR strategies need to focus simultaneously on building skills, motivation and behavior for a successful business strategy.

If HR practices are correctly designed and put in place, you’ll get the best employee performance and the best overall company performance as well. What employees do is based on what they have and feel. It starts with the initial impact of HR practices on their employees. Selection, training, and development are designed to build certain skills and enable employees to effectively perform their jobs. As employees move through the employee lifecycle, more practices are available that include rewards, performance management and communication. Altogether, the HR practices help shape workers’ perceptions of the company’s fairness and support. Those perceptions then influence their commitment, motivation, and engagement.

1) What employees do is largely a function of what they have, because they cannot be
productive if they don’t have the right skills.

2) What they do is also a function of what they feel, because they may choose not to be
productive if they have negative feelings toward the organization.

How Can Reveal Support Your HR Strategy

Using the Reveal assessment to collect and maintain data on employees that can be used for multiple purposes, creates an unshakable foundation that your HR Strategy can be built upon. Using the Reveal report to support the employee lifecycle for your candidate’s enables you to take Reveal beyond the hiring phase and into coaching, succession planning, and so forth.

It is important to remember that the key to having quality people at any level, is to put a system in place that stays relevant through the entire employee lifecycle. The objective is to have Reveal or whatever assessment tool you are using currently, as part of the system… but it cannot BE the system. It is a matter of finding leverage points along the employee life cycle that HR can begin to influence and make a difference across the enterprise. Reveal can certainly help with that process.

If you are interested in learning more about how Reveal can work for you, click here to contact us or schedule a 15-min discovery call.